General information

How do I enrol?

Computer Science is an admission-free subject. Enrolment (= registration for the degree programme) takes place via an online form.

What lectures do I have to attend?

If you start in the winter semester, the following lectures are scheduled for the first semester:

  • Programming - basics of programming in Java
  • Algorithms and data structures - list and tree structures, sorting methods, runtime estimation
  • Linear algebra I - mappings, matrices, vector spaces, linear systems of equations etc.

The other lectures will then follow, but it should be said here that you have to attend a total of four maths lectures (more if you choose maths as a minor subject, of course).

A list of current lectures for first-semester students can be found in the model timetable.

Is knowledge of English and time spent abroad necessary?

Knowledge of English is not required. Both the lectures and the lecture notes (for most courses) are in German. However, knowledge of English is strongly recommended. English is required both for further reading and for later professional life (especially in the field of research and teaching).

A stay abroad is not necessary, but is recommended in the 5th or 6th semester.

What is a student handbook, and what do I do with it?

The student handbook is not required for Computer Science. Nevertheless, you should not throw it away. In other degree programmes, you can keep track of the courses you have attended and the certificates you have obtained in the student handbook.

What is “Studium Universale”?

In “Studium Universale”, you take courses that have nothing to do with your regular degree programme. “Studium Universale” is not necessary for Computer Science. However, 5 extra credit points must be collected.

How can I earn the 5 extra credit points?

In principle, these 5 credit points for the module “Practical and Professional Orientation” are to be given for events that serve to personally deepen study content. Courses from the “Studium Universale” or the Winter/Summer Academy can be attended. Other lectures can be attended on application, but courses from the field of computer science and from the minor subject can no longer be chosen. Vocational training measures can also be recognised if they are related to your studies or career entry (application training etc.); in particular, you can have a voluntary internship at a company or the computer centre (ZIM) recognised (1 CP corresponds to 30 working hours). Prof. Lercher is responsible for the recognition (secretariat Ms Rennwanz). You can find more information here.

Minor subject

What should you know about the minor subject?

Everything you need to know to get started is summarised under minor subject.

Computer science as a minor subject

Note for students of other subjects

We are often asked whether Computer Science can be chosen as a minor subject in addition to another subject, what needs to be considered, how to register for exams, etc. We don’t know.

We don’t know.

This is because the examination regulations of the main subject apply to the minor subject, and we do not know all the examination regulations of Heinrich Heine University. So don’t be angry with us, but please check with the representatives of your student council, your professors and your examination regulations. These are all much more reliable sources for questions about the computer science minor than the Computer Science Student Council.