Final Thesis And Project Work


On this page you will find answers to frequently asked questions about the Bachelor’s thesis (BA), project work (in the Master’s programme), Master’s thesis (MA) and related topics that are relevant at the end of the Bachelor’s programme.

Obligatory note: The information on this page is based on Computer Science Examination Regulations (PO) Bachelor 2013, Bachelor 2016 and Master 2015 and are compiled to the best of our knowledge and conscience; however, there is no guarantee for complete accuracy! If you find an error on this page please let us know.

If you have a question that is not answered here, we will be happy to help you in person or via the usual online channels.

Bachelor thesis
Transition Bachelor to Master ## Bachelorarbeit

How do I determine what my specialisation and compulsory electives are?

As you write your Bachelor’s thesis in your specialisation (10 CP), the modules that are assigned to the specialisation should match the topic of the thesis or at least from the chair’s point of view, match the topic of the thesis to some extent. You can find out which compulsory elective subjects belong to the specialisation from from Mrs Vandrey . It is best to make the assignment when you already know at which chair you will write your Bachelor’s thesis.

The assignment does not play a role in the Bachelor’s degree average: Both compulsory elective modules and specialisation modules are counted twice in the double in the evaluation. [§ 3 PO, subject-specific appendix]

Where can I get a topic for my Bachelor’s thesis?

The chairs often have lists of possible topics for theses on their websites. topics for theses (here for example at the Stups Chair) or a list of completed theses from which theses from which you can draw thematic inspiration (here for example at the DBS Chair; however, topics are not assigned twice). assigned). The easiest way is to contact a professor or academic staff member of the course on whose topic you would like to topic you want to write your BA on, whereby it is an advantage if you know what you want (this can be a topic suggestion or a cautious topic suggestion or a cautious “I am very interested in uv after your event xy, and would like to write my BA about it. about it. Is that possible and how do you go about finding a topic?”).

When should I look for a topic?

As early as possible, it can (but doesn’t have to) take a while until you finally finally have a topic. Three months before graduation, for example, would be a bit a little tight. If you want to finish in summer semester 2018, you should towards the end of the WiSe 2017 lecture period at the latest.

How do I register the work?

You go to Mrs Vandrey (aka examination office, in the SSC, office hours) and say that you would like to register your BA and need the appropriate form (she will know what you mean). You can get the form form when you have earned at least 120 CP, i.e. even before you have you start looking for a subject; the form does not expire. You then use it you fill in the part that you have to complete yourself, go to your supervisor to your supervisor, who will then take care of everything else. After a few week you will receive a letter from the examination office asking you to to collect the topic from the examination office within 14 days. With collection begins the 3-month period. When you collect the topic Mrs Vandrey will also ask you to check whether the title of your thesis title corresponds to your own ideas and is written correctly; This should also be done sensibly if you don’t want a typo on your certificate later on.

Where can I have the work printed and bound?

At your favourite copy shop, e.g. at the Uni-Kopier-Center bei the university clinics (44 pages printed on both sides, triplicate version with adhesive binding approx. 45 €; depending on the binding chosen, it only takes 30 minutes to 3 hours, but you should not necessarily wait until the day of submission think about printing).

How long should the BA be?

“The length of the written thesis should be 25 to 30 pages. pages.” [§ 16 para. 9 PO 2013, § 16 para. 8 PO 2016, subject-specific Appendix] After consultation with the supervisor, it is usually not a problem if you overrun a few pages.

What is the date of my degree?

There are two dates on the degree certificate: The date of the last examination (this is the date of graduation; if the BA is the last is the last examination, then this is the date of submission and not the date of the the date of the oral presentation) and when you received the certificate. received.

If, for any reason, you need proof of the successful proof of successful completion of the degree programme, you can ask the the assessors shortly after submission of the certificate certificate of “at least sufficient” shortly after submission.

How many copies of the Bachelor’s thesis do I need to have printed?

In the letter from the examination office, in which the topic of the thesis is specified, it states how many copies must be submitted.

PO 2013: three printed copies must be submitted. (One each to the two reviewers, the third goes to the examination examination board) [§ 13 para. 5 BAPO 2003] [we do not (yet) know, why § 17 para. 1 PO 2013 does not apply here]

PO 2016: two printed copies must be submitted and an electronic version must be submitted to the supervisor at the same time. must be submitted at the same time. [§ 17 para. 1 PO 2016]

PO 2018: Submission online via the student portal. At the request of the first supervisor, however, also in printed version.

In addition, you may wish to have another copy printed for your own bookshelf. have another copy printed.

In practice, only one digital submission is currently made, regardless of the PO. digital submission. Talk to your supervisor about this.

Does written programme code have to be handed in?

If part of the work consists of writing programme code, this is usually normally submitted on a CD with the printed thesis. However, ask your supervisor again how/if code should be handed in.

What and when is the oral presentation?

Shortly after submitting your written thesis, you have to give an oral give an oral presentation on your topic. [§ 16 para. 9 PO 2013, § 16 Para. 8 PO 2016, subject-specific appendix] The date is agreed with the with the reviewers; if you are not approached directly by your supervisor your supervisor directly about the presentation, you should ask yourself when the presentation should take place. As a rule, the presentation should be approx. 20 minutes long, after which you may be asked questions about your questions about your work. The presentation is open to the public, but a not expected (unless you have a lot of friends). many friends). If you have not yet seen a final presentation, you can also simply sit in on one; dates can be found in the partly in the calendar of Computer Science.

Transition from Bachelor to Master

How do I enrol for the Master’s programme?

For the Computer Science Master’s programme in Düsseldorf you need an average of 2.5 or better or an average of 3.0 or better with a BA of 1.5 or better. “Graduates of the Bachelor’s degree programme in Computer Science at the University of Düsseldorf (who fulfil the above grade criterion) above) will receive a certificate of admission to the Master’s programme certificate of admission to the Master’s degree programme (limited to enrolment enrolment for the next semester). In this case, the application to the Examination Board is not necessary, enrolment on the enrolment on the Master’s degree programme can, if the Bachelor’s certificate is not yet is not yet available, via . However, if the Bachelor’s certificate and the grade are already available then a change of subject application [] must be completed.” Project work
Master’s thesis

If the BA is submitted at the end of the semester, so that you do not receive the admission certificate before the start of the first Master’s semester semester, you register normally for the next semester for the Bachelor’s programme semester and can then, upon receipt of the certificate of completed degree programme, you can then transfer to the Master’s programme retroactively. The best way to do this is to go to the enrolment officer for Computer Science (Office hours), as they will immediately carry out the transfer and, if desired issue a new student ID card directly. (You can also (You can also apply to the “normal” student advisors at the SSC, but the process takes a few days).

How do I register for Master’s exams that I take during my Bachelor’s degree?

In the PO 2013, you can earn an unlimited number of CPs, in the PO 2016 a maximum of 30 CPs. additional credits that can later be recognised for the Master’s degree Master’s degree, i.e. you can already take Master’s examinations in the Bachelor’s programme or collect points for the module Individual Supplement. When module as an additional achievement (although this does not actually doesn’t really matter, as the assignment can be changed later). Before the Bachelor’s certificate is issued, you will receive from the examination office examination office, where you should check that the modules completed for the modules completed for the Master’s degree are marked as “Withdrawal” (sometimes a slip of paper is also enclosed stating that you should contact them again regarding the Bachelor and Master again). If in doubt, you can again in person or by telephone to Mrs Vandrey again. (Mrs Vandrey always answers the phone when she is there. is there). It is important to note that credits that you would like to have should not appear on the final Bachelor’s certificate.

Project work

What is the project work?

Project work is a compulsory module in the Master’s programme. “The project work serves as preparation for the Master’s thesis and should generally be should be completed in the same working group in which the Master’s thesis is is carried out.” [§ 3 para. 3 PO, subject-specific appendix] What this means in concrete terms depends on the chair: Prepared paper research with a view to a paper research with a view to a possible Master’s thesis, continuation of the of the Bachelor’s thesis, continuation of a seminar topic, own proposal etc. As a rule, you will be integrated in some way into the “day-to-day operations” of the chair (by this we don’t mean making coffee, but participating in group participation in group meetings etc.) and the project work is designed in such a way that it can lead to a Master’s thesis.

When do I write the project work?

Usually in the second and third Master’s semester. In the first semester you have time to find out which chair you would like to write your chair you would like to write your project work, and the fourth is for the Master’s thesis. thesis.

How much time is required for the project work?

There are 20 CP for each module, i.e. you have to invest 600 hours of time (theoretically, but depending on the chair, you have to keep a record of how much how much you have worked).

Master’s thesis

Some basic things from the section on Bachelor’s thesis also apply to the Master’s and are not repeated here. not repeated here.

How do I determine what my specialisation and compulsory electives are?

As you write your Master’s thesis in your specialisation (30 CP), you should the modules that are assigned to your specialisation should or by the chair should fit the topic of the thesis to some extent. Since it is often often not possible to obtain 30 CP from one chair, it is possible individual courses from other chairs in the specialisation are also permitted chairs in the specialisation are permitted. The determination of which elective subjects belong to the specialisation can be determined by Ms Vandrey . It is best to make the assignment when you already know already know at which chair you will write your Master’s thesis.

In contrast to the Bachelor’s degree, the assignment plays a role in the overall grade. role: specialisation modules are counted twice in the assessment. [§ 3 para. 3 PO, subject-specific appendix]

How long should the MA be?

“The written length of the Master’s thesis should not exceed 80 pages. exceed.” [§ 16 para. 9 PO, subject-specific appendix]


Is there a LaTeX template for Bachelor’s or Master’s theses?

Yes, on the page of the DBS chair you can download a you can download a template. This contains from title page to bibliography (with sample entries) everything you need. But don’t forget to adapt the name of the chair if necessary (and if the width of the corresponding box if the name of the chair is too long. is too long).

Do I have to write the BibTex entries for the bibliography myself?

Of course you can, but there are alternatives:

  • Search in the ULB catalogue, then in the click on Actions, BibTex in the detail view.
  • Search in Google Scholar and click on [Citation] result, click on Cite and then BibTex

What about spell and grammar checking in LaTeX?

TeXstudio (and probably many other editors) support spelling checker, you may simply have to look in the settings where you can activate the German spell checker.

TeXstudio, for example, also supports grammar checking using LanguageTool; it is advisable to deactivate the following rules, deactivate the following rules, as they trigger error alarms in LaTeX more often more often than they are helpful: GERMAN_SPELLER_RULE,TYPOGRAPHISCHE_ANFUEHRUNGSZEICHEN, ABKUERZUNG_LEERZEICHEN,DE_DOUBLE_PUNCTUATION You should also disable TeXstudio’s own word repetition check should be deactivated, as LangaugeTool can do this better.

Be careful not to use constructs like "u, but enter umlauts and sharp S directly.

How do I insert German (typographical) inverted commas?

"`So"'. TeXstudio, for example, can be configured so that the corresponding opening/closing quotation mark is entered directly when entering a " inverted commas are entered directly (SettingsEditorReplace Double Quotes).

Hyphenation of hyphenated words does not work correctly.

On you will find a clear overview of which hyphens have what effect on hyphenation. hyphenation. tl;dr: - forbids other hyphens, "= is displayed as a hyphen, but allows other hyphenation.

By the way: Warnings about underfull hboxes usually indicate that a line has gaps that are too wide for LaTeX’s taste. you should check whether you can help the hyphenation manually (with ""). can help.

How do I prevent line breaks within abbreviations?

With a narrow, protected space: z.\,B.

Should I version the work (e.g. with git)?

Yes and yes. Source code should be versioned for the usual reasons: You experiment a bit, discard something, want to use Travis CI, you need git bisect, something suddenly stops working. (You should have learnt in Propra why git is helpful here. LaTeX code should also be versioned. Then you can simply structure completely over the top or delete passages and you know for know for sure that you can get them back. Or if something is suddenly something is displayed incorrectly, you can quickly find out which newly package is responsible.

And for source code such as BA text: git is a simple synchronisation option and you have a direct backup on the ZIM or Github servers. In addition, if you you have to write a programme, you can simply make the source code available to testers. source code to testers.

Is there a template for the presentation?

For the presentation you can use the LaTeX Beamer presentation template in HHU-style of the Computer Networks Chair.

Is there such a presentation console for LaTeX projector presentations, with elapsed time, display of notes and next slide?

Yes, PDF Presenter Console (pdfpc).